You are not alone

Living WELL with dementia is entirely possible.

Dementia Together is a community of people all going through similar challenges on the dementia journey. We are here to provide education, enrichment, and hope at no charge to families.

Connect with us to get customized support and learn more about our services.

Get in touch

+1 (970) 305-5271

In the meantime

In this community, you do not need to walk this journey alone. Your value does not lie in your ability to recall the recent past.

Your courage and openness in experiencing dementia symptoms will help others remove the perceived stigma and learn how to best cope with its challenges.

For Care Partners

You can help your loved one live with contentment and hope on their dementia journey. We help you care well, so that those experiencing dementia can live well.

Dementia Together’s class, “Helping Your Loved One Live Well With Dementia”, is an introduction to the Contented Dementia approach.

This approach is called the SPECAL® Method, originating in the UK, that is proven to create lifelong well-being for not only the person living with dementia, but the care partner as well.

For Care Partners