
I’ve had the profound privilege for the past 15 years of learning under the mentorship of Penny Garner, founder of The Contented Dementia Trust in England and the SPECAL® Method. (pronounced “speckle”). I’ve also studied many other person-centered care models over the years and ultimately...

In a recent Dementia Together SPECAL® workshop, a dedicated care partner and daughter mentioned a common term “therapeutic lying” as she struggled to justify following one of the SPECAL Three Golden Rules: Don’t contradict-Don’t argue with whatever facts from the past the person with dementia...

[embed][/embed] News too BBBig to keep to ourselves! The Better Business Bureau serving Northern Colorado and Wyoming recognized Dementia Together as the BBB 2023 Nonprofit Torch Award for Ethics winner! The Torch Award for Ethics is the most prestigious award BBB can present to a business and nonprofit.  This program honors organizations whose...

We’re re-posting a few interviews done during the pandemic lockdown in which our Dementia Together friends show us love in action.  We’re honored to share their stories again because our world can always use more examples of lifelong, committed love.   You never know when a...

At Dementia Together, we get to see love in action every day.  We’re re-posting these interviews because the insights are timeless.  Helen and Jim shared that one of the blessings of dementia is that “we still are in love.”  Jim’s advice for younger couples reflects...