Make our community dementia-friendly

Loveland Fire & Rescue
ENT Credit Union, Windsor

Together, we can make sure no one has to walk the dementia journey alone. Imagine the impact your business could have by simply learning practical strategies to make all your customers have a better experience.

Kirk Eye Center, Loveland

Is your business dementia-friendly?  Contact us and schedule a staff training session.

Business education is implemented on site in 15-90 minutes for community businesses, allowing for questions and time to discuss specific issues relevant to the business with the goals of:

  • increasing awareness of the signs of dementia
  • knowing concrete strategies to use in communicating effectively with people living with cognitive impairment
  • identifying how to locate resources and assistance for themselves and individuals living with dementia

Businesses such as stores, banks, libraries, restaurants, faith communities, schools, hospitals, clinics, health clubs, government agencies, emergency services, and service organizations participating in the dementia awareness education, receive recognition and a window decal to display at the entrance to their facility. Ongoing education/resources will also be provided as needed.

DO YOU KNOW OF A BUSINESS THAT SHOWED EXCEPTIONAL DEMENTIA-FRIENDLY SERVICE? CONTACT US and we will give them the public recognition they deserve.

Business Training Inquiry
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Recent Business Trainings
Boulder, Larimer, Weld CIT 2023
Larimer Humane Society 2023