Annual Events

Community Partner Opportunities Available



Join us in celebrating our community by raising funds and awareness to help bring Joy to those living with dementia and their care partners! Dementia Together hosts three unique and fun events that brings people together to create communities in which no one has to walk the dementia journey alone.

Joy on the Journey- An in-person Spring Fundraiser. Food, drinks, laughter and music!

Living Well with Dementia- An educational symposium in the Fall to gather together and learn more about dementia resources that are available in Northern Colorado.

Friends Give Hope- An online campaign at the end of the year to celebrate everything that we have accomplished and prepare for the year ahead!

Joy on the Journey

Our spring community fundraiser “Joy on the Journey: The Good Ol’ Days”, is an event to support Dementia Together’s services that includes food and drinks. Help us raise money toward bringing JOY to people living with dementia, their care partners, and our community.

Living Well with Dementia

An Educational Symposium for Northern Colorado

Friends Give Hope

2023 Impact as of October

  • 2,036 individual lives

  • 553 sessions

  • 6,992 attendees (including repeat attenders)

Your end of year gift will make a huge difference….