Ready. Set. Already going. Together in 2023.

Ready. Set. Already going. Together in 2023.

Ready. Set. Already going.
READY.  We’re ready to continue offering our support, education, and enrichment programming in-person and online because our mission remains clear and unchanged: No one has to walk the dementia journey alone.  2023 calendar. 

SET.  Because of the generosity of a previous care partner, current volunteer, and long-time donor who matched every year-end donation dollar for dollar up to $25,000, and thanks to YOUR generosity, we surpassed our year-end fundraising goal of $50,000. Because of everyone who gave to our Friends Give Hope campaign, we are SET to begin 2023 from a position of strength and optimism.  Thank you for your financial contributions which enable us to continue offering tangible hope for people on the dementia journey.

GOing.  After a peaceful pause over the holidays, we’re already GOing…with joy and confirmation that our work is positively impacting lives and our communities.  We recently received this note: “Thanks for all you do! I think you should have little lifesaver buoys because that’s what you are to us care partners!”  

Together–with you–living well with dementia can become the expectation, not the exception.  Together–with you–we can eliminate the stigma of dementia and change the cultural narrative from tragedy and crisis to hope and contentment.

“…Cause there’s no time like the present
And there’s no present like the time
It’s a gift
It’s all you get
Make a friend
Make amends
Make a call
Tell the truth
Say I love you…”

-Jay Allen

Cyndy Hunt Luzinski, MS, RN, Founder and Executive Director

Give today!


Cyndy Luzinski