Mobile Memory Cafe – Virtual

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Date(s) - 12/09/2022
10:30 am - 11:30 am


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Audience is mainly Senior Communities but it’s virtual, so anyone can join in.

These are live (although virtual) interactive joyful gatherings which include reminiscing, games, laughter and music.  People living with mild to moderate cognitive impairment AND their families can join virtually as well!

Contact us at 970-305-5271 or for more information or for help with using the technology needed to connect!

How to access our remote activities:

We are using Zoom video conferencing tool.  Click here at meeting time – Passcode: dt

Phone in via 253-215-8782 US.  If you want help with Zoom setup and testing, contact us ( or 970-305-5271) by the day before to give us time to help.