Virtual Education Courses

For Senior Care and Health Care Professionals

Dementia Together's education now available on-demand

We are pleased to introduce on-demand virtual dementia education courses for senior care and health care professionals caring for clients living with dementia.

For professionals in Northern Colorado needing dementia education in compliance with the Senate Bill 22-079, you can receive a certification of completion for 2.5-hour and 4-hour courses.

The Gold Standard for Dementia Care

In this course, you will be introduced to the SPECAL® Method, created by The Contented Dementia Trust. This family-driven, evidence-based approach uses a Photograph Album metaphor to easily explain how normal memory works, the impact of aging, and the single dramatic change that occurs with the onset of dementia. This framework is the foundation for the practical strategies which make living well with dementia the expectation, not the exception.

Colorado State Mandated Dementia Education

These courses meet the Colorado state-mandated requirements for dementia education (SB 22-079) and integrate the SPECAL framework. The following topics are covered:

Dementia Diseases and Related Disabilities, Person-Centered Care of Residents with Dementia, Dementia-Related “Behaviors”* and Communication, Activities of Daily Living for Residents with Dementia, Care Planning for Residents with Dementia.

*SPECAL teaches that all behavior has meaning. (Expressions of distress communicate unmet needs)

Living well with dementia is entirely possible.

If you are caring for a loved one living with dementia, check out Dementia Together’s educational services. Available at no charge thanks to our generous donors and partners.